I.S. - We have people in the North East and totally agree with you.
If the Tamil people in the UK and elsewhere care so much for their brethren, then they must ask the LTTE, the very organization that is proclaiming to fight for the Tamils (they also claim they are the sole representatives of the Tamils), then why are they sacrificing the innocent Tamils who have suffered so much in the last two years being dragged by the LTTE from the West – Mannar all the way to the East? Let them go as all the International bodies are saying.
It is because the LTTE wants to save their skin when they are cornered as they are now.
Even the Indians who tried this trick in 1987 dropping food parcel and then sent the IPKF to be chased out by the LTTE have now offered to work with the Sri Lankan Government. No vessel can enter the sovereign waters without the state approval.
Why have these people not offered to send some ships to evacuate the innocent Tamils held hostage by the LTTE, then the food problem will be over.
Let us not allow ourselves to be deceived by those inciting disharmony amongst Sri Lankans.
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