Friday, 24 April 2009

A Conversation that needs Attention

Below is a stream of a conversation between a few friends and I. It started when I sent around the news that a group of Tamil diaspora organisations had dramatically pulled together a large ship called the Vanni Mission of Mercy and was going to send it unauthorised to the Eastern shores of Sri Lanka, Jerry Bruckheimer style, with 400 tonnes of aid to help and reach the suffering Tamil people.

It was clearly a PR stunt, and to this day has not yet left the sunny shores of Britain. Why? Because the British govt turned their request down, so they could not even leave the docks... The interesting thing is this conversation is between all ethnicities, walks of life, ages and religions. It serves as a good read, exposing the issues that face Sri Lankans each day - ones that only Sri Lankans (those close to them) and the 30 year conflict, can fully understand.

If you would like to, post a comment and I will post it here in relation to this conversation, as long as it is not uncompromising and rude. Thanks.


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